A detailed schedule of the fair will be published soon! Do you want to see what companies have already trusted us? Contact us or check the current list of exhibitors.

Write to us

we will write back or call you back,
if you leave us your phone number

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Project manager: Anna Krystyanik
E-mail: a.krystyanik@warsawexpo.eu
Phone: +48 513 902 978

Hanna Wideńska
E-mail: h.widenska@warsawexpo.eu
Phone: +48 519 872 015

Kinga Skłodowska
E-mail: kinga.sklodowska@warsawexpo.eu

Anna Słonina
E-mail: anna.slonina@warsawexpo.eu

Contact for organized groups

To ensure your comfortable participation in our events, admission for organized groups is only possible on the last day of the fair. Before your arrival, we encourage you to contact us through the form available on the website: warsawexpo.eu/en/groups. Leaving backpacks and suitcases in the cloakroom is mandatory. A business dress code is required at the fair.

Ptak Warsaw ExpoAl. Katowicka 62,05-830 Nadarzyn, Polskainfo@warsawexpo.eu


Al. Katowicka 62,
05-830 Nadarzyn, Polska

(+48) 518 739 124